Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A two-year thrill ride

Yesterday marked the two year anniversary since my husband and I were married. I like to think we've both matured and reached greater mutual understanding. It isn't easy working around each other's different cultures, but it's worth it! I read an article summarizing some thoughts given by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon in October of last year.

He said, "It is time to explain that different ... belief systems and cultural backgrounds are essential to the richness of the human experience."

My sweet husband has willingly shouldered the behind-the-scenes upkeep of the "American dream", that is, he takes care of the lawn and landscaping, grills a mean steak, and does all the other fix-it work needed on the car or in the house. Two years ago I don't think either of us would've seen far enough ahead to have predicted that. :)

And me, I've been learning more about ironing, cleaning and cooking especially. He loves that sort of thing because his mother always placed a strong emphasis on it in his home growing up. It's our balance of expectations, and we have really learned not to begrudge that daily give and take. And gee, our house sure looks good in the meantime!

At the same event I quoted from earlier, Ban emphasized that "men and women of faith around the world can be brought together, rather than separated, by their convictions and their belief in something greater than themselves."

My hubby and I are fortunate in this way. Our biggest common tie is our faith. Though I grew up going to an English congregation and he grew up going to a Spanish one, the doctrine we have been raised on is the same. We are both members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as Mormons) through and through. And our common religion has been a great strength to us through these two years.

And in case you're reading this, amor, thanks for all you do! You're responsible, fun and romantic! Does it get any better than that?! Te quiero!

Me in a nutshell

Under One Techo | Under One Roof
I grew up an air-force brat, on bases and off bases, statewide and on foreign soil. Having lived in both Japan and Los Angeles (Little Mexico!), I have a love for both the Latin and Asian communities. But above all that lies a commitment to God, marriage, and family as the backbone of society. And with that, let the crazy, cultural mash-up begin..